
Hot Health Apps
The newest addition to your home gym might just be your smart phone. ABHO introduces five apps that can keep up with your healthy lifestyle. These apps will help you eat, sleep, and workout better. One app will even help keep your vitamins and medications straight!
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Anti-Smoking Campaigns Saved 8M Lives
A new study shows anti-tobacco campaigns in the past 50 years have increased the life span of 8 million Americans by 20 years. Experts say without the intense campaigning against cigarettes started five decades ago, around 4 million Americans would have died before retirement.
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Your Dog Could Be Your Best Training Partner
If you’re searching for the perfect running or cycling partner, you may want to start your search at the local animal shelter. Here are some tips for picking out the perfect puppy partner, and how to keep your furry friend safe while training.
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Understanding Types of Health Insurance Coverage
All health insurance plans aren't created equal. If you're not offered health insurance through your work, that means you have a lot of options to consider. Understanding what each plan offers should be an important part of your shopping experience.
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How Going Vegan Could Save Your Life
Maybe you’ve considered veganism because you want to save animal lives. But it turns out, you could end up saving your own life too! Here’s how.
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