Helping Americans

Live Healthier, Happier Lives


Long-Term Effects of COVID

Survivors of the COVID-19 virus may have lasting effects from the virus, long after they’ve recovered. Just like the severity of symptoms can range, so can the long-term effects of the virus, potentially leading to life-long lung and other organ issues.

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The COVID-19 Crisis: Preventing the Spread

Until there is a viable vaccine, the best defense against the COVID-19 virus is prevention. ABHO offers some tips on how you can help prevent the spread of the virus.

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The COVID-19 Crisis: What Are Symptoms and What to do if You Think You Have it

The Centers of Disease Control has released a list of common COVID-19 symptoms. Additionally, they have release guidelines for what you should do should you suspect you’ve become infected with the virus.

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How Going Vegan Could Save Your Life

Maybe you’ve considered veganism because you want to save animal lives. But it turns out, you could end up saving your own life too! Here’s how.

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Beat the Winter Blues

Up to 6% of the United States population suffers from a form of depression that usually shows up during the winter, called "Seasonal Affective Disorder", or SAD. Another 12% suffers from a lesser form, called "Winter Blues". We've got tips for you to beat those winter blues!

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