Helping Americans

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How to Sleep Your Way to a Healthy Weight

It almost sounds too good to be true- losing weight overnight. But those eight hours of sleep don’t have to be wasted time. Fueling your body correctly overnight could lead to lost weight.

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Getting Beach Ready

If you're going to the beach next week, you may think it's too late to get a better body- but you'd be wrong. There are some little tricks to get a better beach body, in just a few days. We've got five tips from fitness experts on how you can look leaner and healthier on the beach!

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Foods That Keep You Fuller, For Longer

Dieting can be a pain in the stomach- but it doesn't have to be! Our list of foods will keep you feeling full, for longer. Just eating less food isn't always a healthy or practical option. You need to consume foods that will fill you up, give you energy and keep you going hours later.

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